
The Power of God unto Salvation is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Power of God unto Salvation contains a collection of sermons preached by Warfield in the chapel of Princeton Theological Seminary, which address both the pastoral and theological concerns of his students. These sermons cover a broad range of topics, including divine revelation, salvation, God’s omnipotence, and the person of the Holy Spirit, and reveal Warfield’s theological commentary on key...

commanding the acclamation of all the ages. We look within at the seething caldron of passions and impulses of our own souls. Do not all these voices call us to one natural, one unavoidable issue? If in the far distance we faintly discover hanging above us the beckoning glimmer of some star of heaven—what is poor wingless man, that he should hope to rise to grasp it? Is it not the part of wisdom, as well as the demand of nature, that worms shall crawl? Is it not folly unspeakable for such as we to
Pages 15–16